Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bananas and Cream - iPad, the New Home for Second Lifers?

So, I must admit - I've never used Second Life. I know what it is and I equate it to a very large, involved game of The Sims. Whether my perception is right or wrong is beyond me, but what does interest me is how the iPad (or portable tablet PCs in general) could lead to Second Life becoming even more integrated into real life.

In a recent article, Lowell Cremorne touches on this very subject. The iPad would allow consumers to have the computing power necessary to run Second Life (or any other online worlds) but be completely mobile (and comfortable) doing so. If you could take your Second Life with you everywhere, wouldn't that make it more and more like your First Life?

Just to bring this situation back to something I can relate to - Before I had a Blackberry, I was your normal Facebook user. I'd check it 2-3 times a day. But since getting a Blackberry I constantly check Facebook posts, News Feed updates and all the other functions that Facebook offers. I definitely became more immersed. This likely could be the case with the iPad and Second Life.


  1. Do we want to be more immersed in this game? Technology is great, but it has become such a staple in our lives. Are people so unhappy with their life that they need to carry a program around with them that allows them to do so much more without risks of physical, social, or emotional harm to themselves?

  2. I see that the context in which Second Life is perceived can be totally change by a device like the iPad. Pardon the pun, but you could have "The Whole World in YOUR Hands."

  3. Walking around in your second life seems strange to me. It would be like you are not actually living your life.

  4. Just image what the world would be like if Second Life became the next generations Facebook.
