Where is the future of social media headed. Will we forever rely on Facebook or Twitter, or will these sites slowly fade away as Myspace and Friendster have. There is a lot to consider including available technologies and consumer preferences.
Two online personalities have attempted to take a guess at what the future will hold. Jim Tobin puts his opinion down as a list of predictions for the future of social media, found
here. He believes that sites must have ratings, that content aggregation will be kind, everything will be portable, new tools will replace the old ones and that virtual worlds are here to stay.
Another blogger at Exceed Sales wrote a blog about trends of social media in business, see
here. This blogger sees companies expanding social media beyond sales and marketing, developing metrics to measure their success, companies finally figuring out what is working and what isn't and that more companies will jump into the social media ring.
Both bloggers bring up important points about the future of social media in our lives as both people and consumers. What do you all think? Feel free to put your own opinions about the future of social media in the comments.